So we're here for 2 nights. One full day in Roma and judging by the visitor centre, it's going to be a FULL one. We had thought we might do a drive to a national park tomorrow, but it's unlikely we'll have time. There's a historical walk, tour of the Big Rig (oil and coal seam gas machinery tour) and a bike track that we'll check out during the day tomorrow.

Woke up this morning to the most divine view in Dalby. A family walk/ride got the blood pumping before we sat in the car for hours.

The biggest surprise for us was the scenery. Flat land as far as the eye can see.

Crops of cotton and sorghum, not much livestock at all. After 2 days of driving, we have seen 1 herd of cattle and 3 kangaroos. As we arrived at our caravan park in Roma the kids spotted the pool and enjoyed a dip at 6pm tonight.

Dinner tonight was a thoroughly enjoyable combination of breakfast (bacon & eggs) and burgers (yagu beef burger patties from Plainlands). Grandad is now famous for cooking bread on his butane stove - it may not be fast but it is tasty! Harvey helped butter the toast (on both sides) for an extra special burger.

Dinner, boggle and bed for our cherubs as we prepare for another full day tomorrow. Lets see whether the Big Rig tour leaves us feeling inspired and excited or fearful for the environment...